Manager’s Walk Through – Online Audio and Picture Test

Your mission – should you choose to accept it – is to penetrate the highly nuanced Audio and Picture technology surrounding you, to systematically locate and report any failures that could make the audience experience less than what you promise.

Ready? Settled? Did you choose a DCP yet? Click the walkie-talkie, ask them to check:

Is the audio level at “7”?

Is the projector set to “Flat, 2D”

OK – Hit “Play”. Let’s Do This Thing.

[If you realize that you don’t understand how to do something, or what something means, — review the lessons on the Cinema Test Tools website. — And, ask questions using the Contact Form. — Keep doing the best you can, each time learning a little more – nobody was born with this knowledge. — The film makers appreciate it, your customers appreciate it. (Yeah, really. I was just talking to them. They used your name!)]

Modulo di relazione dettagliata del manager: audio e immagini

Numero dell'Auditorium

2024-04-28 16:17:59

Sedia rotta? Pavimenti appiccicosi o scivolosi? Le luci non si accendono o non si spengono completamente? Rumori nell'aria condizionata? Un odore strano? Problema LED a pavimento? Danni allo schermo?

Qualità del suono — Posizione | Livello | Chiarezza | Distorsione

Rumori indesiderati?

Qualità dell'immagine — Contrasto | Luminosità | Colore | Messa a fuoco

Ponderata C, Lenta, utilizzando il programma iOS "Volume dB"